How to Get Involved
We are very grateful for the support of the many volunteers who helped settle the Kahkejian and Tatari families! We are currently seeking two volunteers: one to take minutes at our meetings (roughly six meeting per year), and one to help increase our social media presence. Once we get closer to arrival dates, we will need volunteers to help with settlement, housing etc.
Yes, I want to volunteer with the Bow Valley Refugee Project
If you are interested in helping with some of the volunteer opportunities below, please complete and submit this form.
If you prefer, you can send an email directly, just be sure to include your Name, Email, Phone number, as well as an indication of what area you would like to volunteer for.
Volunteer Opportunities
Application/Arrivals Team*
Airport Reception Lead and volunteers
- preparation for airport greeting and transportation
Home Support Team*
Home Support Team Lead
Housing/Furniture Lead and volunteers
- secure housing, implement repairs, assemble furniture
Household Items/Clothing Lead and volunteers
- assemble kitchen,/cleaning etc. supplies, clothing
Groceries/Cooking Lead and volunteers
- assist with shopping, orientation to kitchen/cooking
Welcome to Canmore Lead and volunteers
- assemble maps, provide introduction to library and recreation services, connect with like families, liaise with child care
Transportation Lead and volunteers
- assemble rosters of drivers, orient to Roam Transit
Settlement Support Team*Settlement Support Team Lead
Interpreter/Language Lead
- liaise/schedule interpreters, link through BVSS to ESL training
School Liaison Lead and volunteers
- working with BVSS, orient to school system, assist to register
Heath Care Liaison Lead
- with help from BVSS, orient to health care system, assist in registering, assist in finding doctor, dentist etc.
ESL/Job Training/Employment Counseling Lead and volunteers
- assist in finding suitable language and vocational training
Financial/Banking Lead
- orient to banking system, assist in opening accounts etc
Fundraising/Communications Team*
Fundraising/Communications Team Lead
Fundraising Lead and volunteers
- fundraising plan for cash & in-kind (liaise with Home Support Team) donations
Communication Lead and volunteers
- communications plan, outreach to BV residents & local service, clubs/community organizations, website, recruitment of volunteers
* designated volunteers on these teams will provide primary in-person support to the family. These volunteers will be required to undergo an RCMP record check; and agree to respect the confidentiality of the information they may be privy to.